Pierre-Etienne met Jean-Marc Généreux following a comment on a video of his daughter Francesca, who has Rett syndrome. The decision was made to create this ninth video clip to put the spotlight on this genetic disease that is still not well known. The idea of integrating dancers into the video has aroused great interest and has contributed to breaking the record for the number of participants with 84 artists!
Rett syndrome is a rare disease that develops in very young children, mainly girls, and causes severe mental and motor disabilities. It is the leading cause of multiple disabilities of genetic origin in girls in France and 50 new people are affected each year in France.
Founded in 1988 by 5 families, the AFSR is recognised as being of public utility and today brings together more than 700 families.
Natasha St-Pier being the godmother of Petit Coeur De Beurre, she offered to participate in this eighth clip. We also find there Alain Llorca bassist of the group Gold as well as Manu Ducros musician of the group Partenaire Particulier.
"Petit Coeur de Beurre" was created by parents who wanted to do more for their child and take up the cause of heart disease. And of course, to share their experiences with you, families, doctors, researchers, health professionals, donors and volunteers: all those who are taking action to improve the quality of life of people with congenital heart disease and their families.
It is the Franco-American singer Yasmin Shah who launched this clip.
ATD Fourth World has allowed the project to open up a little more to the rest of the world thanks to their sharing and their presence in more than 110 countries.
For more than 60 years, ATD (Agir Tous pour la Dignité) Fourth World has been bringing together those who are committed to ending extreme poverty and building a more just society that respects the fundamental rights and equal dignity of all.
Nice encounters that this 6th clip
which has brought together no less
than one about 60 participants around
of the Youtuber sponsor AMIXEM
as well as that the Franco-Moroccan
singer Sofia Mestari, godmother of
Enfants Du Desert.
Emmaus Solidarité were the first to attempt the adventure of a partnership.Thanks to the help of volunteers from shelters and social reintegration centers, poor people were also able to play and sing around of the singer-guitarist MICHAEL JONES. A huge thank you to all of you!
The association Enfants du Désert exists since 2005. It was created following a trip to Morocco that encouraged Laetitia and Emmanuel Chevallier to commit to a cause that makes sense: access to education for children in southern Morocco.
EMMAÜS Solidarité welcomes, accommodates and supports 5,000 people and families in serious social difficulty every day, through a hundred or so services or activities in Paris, the Paris region and the Loir-et-Cher region. The welcome is unconditional.